Let’s Be Heard: Sharing Respondents’ Pandemic Experiences, Impacts, and Lessons to be Learned in Scotland


Published on: November 30, 2023

Page 4 of 11

Table of contents

We Asked: What were the impacts of these experiences on you or the people you know?


You Said…

This section of the report focuses on Let’s Be Heard’s second question: What were the impacts of these experiences on you or the people you know?

Responses show that despite there being a diverse range of experiences throughout the pandemic, the impacts of COVID-19 across Scotland were broadly similar. Previously, this report looked at people’s individual experiences. This section relates to the impacts of those experiences, and discusses some of the broader thematic impacts that were experienced. These include impacts on: 

  • older people; 
  • children and young people; 
  • family dynamics and relationships;
  • people’s level of trust;
  • life events such as birth and death;
  • financial security; and 
  • mental health and wellbeing.

Older People

As discussed previously, many respondents felt isolated and lonely during lockdown. One group significantly impacted by this was older people living in care and nursing homes. Respondents described how, for long periods of time, care homes prohibited friends and family from visiting. When visitors were allowed, they were only able to meet their relatives or loved ones through a window. One person spoke about her 98-year-old mother and how hard this period was for her: “She did not understand why she could not see her family. Luckily, we continued to visit at her window until that was stopped.”

A few respondents highlighted the additional challenge of moving their parent(s) into care for the first time during the pandemic. They said they were neither allowed to go inside the home to settle their parent(s) nor were they allowed to visit, due to restrictions at the time. Describing their experience of moving their father into care and the impact this had, one participant explained: “He was isolated and alone and dealing with a massive change with no family support.” In addition, a few participants said this left their parent(s) feeling “abandoned”, “hurt”, “lonely” or “distraught”. 

While some respondents shared the benefits of using online tools and mobile apps, such as WhatsApp, Zoom and Facetime, to stay connected with family members, others said using video conferencing technology was not always easy or possible. Many people across Scotland are affected by digital exclusion, which can occur when people do not have access to affordable or reliable digital services or do not have the requisite skills to use them.[14]

During the pandemic, digital exclusion particularly impacted older people who were less likely to be familiar with using digital devices and services or had impairments which made accessing them more difficult. As one respondent noted: “Technology is not helpful when someone has eyesight problems and hearing difficulties and doesn’t necessarily understand how it actually works.” 

Some older participants explained how this left them feeling isolated: “The isolation and shame of not being confident with the technology was awful.”


[14] Tim McKay, 'The Digital Divide - inequality in a digital world, Blog: Digital Exclusion', (September 2021), URL: https://www.audit-scotland.gov.uk/publications/blog-digital-exclusion

Children and young people

This section provides an overview of the key impacts on children and young people during the pandemic in Scotland, as described in Let’s Be Heard responses. Let’s Be Heard provided a response form specifically designed for children and young people. Adults, and children and young people, are quoted and referenced in this section. 


Boredom and home learning

Common themes identified in the sample responses from children and young people included feelings of boredom and monotony during lockdown. Many said they initially felt happy at the prospect of school closures, but as the weeks and months passed they began to miss attending school. Sentiments such as the following were common: “At first, I was glad to miss school but then I felt trapped at home. I was just waiting for it to be normal again.” This common sentiment was also highlighted in a 2021 report by the Children’s Parliament, which was shared with Let’s Be Heard. It noted that children can feel “stuck” inside, and that this is felt most acutely by children who do not have access to a safe outside space or private garden.[15]

Online learning arrangements did not appear to alleviate these feelings of boredom for children and young people, according to the responses. The vast majority of children and young people who discussed home learning felt the arrangements put in place were inadequate, unengaging and did not effectively maintain their education during lockdown. Many felt the work provided was insufficient or poorly explained, while some felt overwhelmed with trying to focus on learning at home. As one respondent noted in their children and young people form:

“The whole thing was a fever dream, I did literally 1 piece of schoolwork the whole time and was not motivated to do any more. I was constantly on tiktok and netflix. I feel I missed key parts of school and when I returned it was straight into exam prep.”

As discussed in a previous section, many adults expressed the view that learning from home resulted in a poorer standard of education for their children. Parents also found it difficult to help with home learning. A few children and young people also said that not having access to laptops or other resources had a negative impact on their home learning. The A Place in Childhood report also noted the increased stress on family resources and an overload of screen-time had a negative impact on children’s development during this time.[16]


[15] Childrens Parliament, 'Corona Times Journal Edition 1' (2020),
URL: https://www.childrensparliament.org.uk/news/childrens-journal-1/ 

[16] Hamilton, J., & Wood, J., 'Children and Young People’s Participation in Crisis: A Research Report’ (A Place in Childhood: 2020). URL: https://aplaceinchildhood.org/covid-19-research-report-children-and-young-peoples-participation-in-crisis/ 


Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Both adults and children and young people indicated in their responses that the pandemic had had a detrimental impact on the mental health of children and young people, as well as on their social and emotional wellbeing. One respondent said: “The impact on our young people (under 25) of lockdown absolutely dwarfs any health impact from Covid.” 

Adults expressed concern in their responses about a perceived deterioration in the development of children and young people, as well as high levels of anxiety around the long-term impacts: “I volunteer in a school with many vulnerable families in it - the deterioration for many in behaviour and emotional maturity is staggering.”

Many children and young people mentioned experiencing isolation and loneliness because they were unable to see friends or family. Fears around loved ones catching COVID-19, particularly elderly relatives or family members who were key workers, were also cited by some children and young people: “I felt very lonely and I started to become an anxious person due to the fear of my family and friends getting covid.” 

Children and young people also talked about experiencing bereavement and their sadness at not being able to say a proper goodbye to loved ones due to restrictions on care-home/hospital visits and funerals at the time.

Children and young people’s responses also discussed experiencing considerable and debilitating anxiety during the pandemic. A few respondents in this age group said this manifested as anxiety around catching the virus and excessive concern with hygiene. A few described overall feelings of helplessness, loss of confidence and lack of motivation, as the following response explains:

“I was alone a lot doing schoolwork which, looking back now was useless, I didn’t learn anything anyway, I don’t think I was capable to, I was so lonely and I remember just sitting staring at the computer screen doing nothing, I was quite sad and would cry over little things like if I burnt my food or lost something, I was miserable, my mental health was declining.”

Responses from adults and children and young people indicated that some children and young people struggled to return to school after lockdown or did not return at all. Both age groups also acknowledged that due to the pandemic children and young people had missed out on years that were educationally, socially and emotionally formative: 

“I used to be involved in a climbing club and had started to go to competitions before the pandemic but it closed for two years and now I don't feel confident to take it up again so I feel the closure has changed my future path.”

“Lockdown and school closures have caused a generation to fall behind with education which many will never catch up.”

These adverse impacts on mental health were compounded by a lack of access to mental health services, according to some respondents. The Scottish Association for Mental Health also noted this in a 2021 report shared with Let’s Be Heard, which stated that mental health services were very thinly stretched and there was insufficient capacity to respond to mental health needs during the pandemic.[17]

[17] Scottish Association for Mental Health, 'Still Forgotten? Mental Health Care and Treatment During the Coronavirus Pandemic' (March 2021). URL: https://www.samh.org.uk/documents/Still_Forgotten.pdf 


Positive outcomes for children and young people

Some children and young people said they found certain aspects of the pandemic and lockdown rules enjoyable or that they had had a positive impact. Respondents who already found socialising or attending school emotionally challenging said they were grateful for extended periods of being at home and changes to schooling, with some also pointing out that learning from home allowed them to sleep for longer. Some of these responses also said that being at home allowed them to spend more time with their family, or pursue other activities they enjoyed: 

“My life didn't really change because I still had football I also kept in good contact with friends I knew. I felt amazing because I had more time to play football and play more sports. I had more and more football practice as I got better at it. It changed because I spent more time with my family. I feel good about what happened in covid.”

The impacts of caring for children aged up to five

Only a small number of responses in the sample group referred to experiences related to having children up to the age of five. Of these, many – especially of those who identified themselves as key workers – discussed the difficulties around balancing childcare arrangements with work. Managing learning from home with young children was also recognised as difficult, especially for families with more than one child in the household. 

On the other hand, some respondents said home-working or furlough allowed them to spend more time with very young children, especially those in early and formative years: “One positive was that my husband was able to work from home, which was probably helpful re my mood and ability to cope in the early months of having the new baby.” 

Changes to family dynamics

Lockdown restrictions had a significant impact on family dynamics, according to respondents. For some, being locked down at home with their family was a positive experience, while for others it was stressful and challenging. Respondents also reported that lockdown led to them being separated from family members, which caused its own stresses: 

“My son who was 14 at the time had to make a decision where he was going to stay. With his Dad & step-mum (she had to shield as vulnerable) or me. We all thought it would be better sense to stay at his Dads & keep him safe too. He was there for 13 weeks & 3 days. The impact this has had on myself is awful. We facetimed for the 1st 6 weeks then he came for garden visits for an hour which was all that was allowed. We did not hug as we couldn't. I coped with it at the time, but afterwards the affect it had on my mental health & anxiety which I'd never suffered much with was awful. I will never do that ever again.”

Lockdown families

Many respondents found that periods of lockdown spent at home were positive, “bringing us closer together” and had helped improve mental wellbeing as a result of “slowing the pace of life to a more manageable level”. The furlough scheme provided relief for some households, allowing parents to manage childcare responsibilities while working from home. One respondent reported that since her husband was furloughed, he was able to teach their children under the same roof while she worked at home. Another respondent said: “COVID helped me change my view and perspective of how I see life. Now I cherish every moment I get with my family and friends.”

For others, balancing work and learning at home was challenging. For example, one respondent reported that the strain of shielding, combined with working from home while teaching two young children, led to the breakdown of her marriage and created a very stressful situation at home. Parents also described the stress and guilt they felt trying to balance looking after their children with working and managing home or online learning.

Several participants were concerned they had created long-term mental health issues for their children by not spending enough time with them during lockdown. Between their work and other life pressures, participants said their levels of stress were unlike anything they experienced before.

Key workers with young children described the additional stress of working away from home and trying to care for their children. A senior nurse described the guilt she felt being away from home and then trying to support her children’s learning when they were at home: “I was unable to be their mum and teacher and boundaries were very blurred and I felt like I failed at both jobs.” 

Another key worker described living apart from their family to protect them from infection, leaving their partner to cope with raising their children alone and having limited contact with them:

“I spent months ‘playing’ with my daughter though a window - my daughter perched on her windowsill with some of her toys, and me standing outside feeling like an observer of my own life. I will never get that time back.”

In some cases, lockdown meant children and young people had to take on extra responsibilities, such as food shopping and collecting prescriptions. A child of a key worker described the impact this had on them: “I also spent a lot of time looking after my siblings as my mum worked nightshift and would sleep during the day.” Another young person described the pressure to help their mother after she came home with a new baby one day during lockdown: “Gran wasn’t allowed to visit to help mummy so I felt I had to help but I didn’t know what to do.” 


Family separation

As highlighted previously, one of the most significant impacts of the pandemic was family separation. Respondents told Let’s Be Heard how concerned they were about family members they were not able to be with, particularly older family members:

“I understand the need to keep people safe and to stop the spread of infection, but for families that have parents living alone and several miles away, this was very difficult and still has had an impact on my family to date.”

One respondent reported that the difficulties she experienced caring for her mother, who lives on her own hundreds of miles away, still have an impact on her family. Another family from the sample group could not visit their mother as they would have done before the pandemic. One family member recalled how a sibling who lived some distance away was unable to see their mother before she died: “Her mild dementia deteriorated quickly, and she died without him being able to see her during her final four months.”



When Scotland’s lockdown restrictions eased in the summer of 2020, people were allowed to form ‘bubbles’, which went some way to addressing concerns about social isolation, according to respondents. While many welcomed these social bubbles, for some respondents it meant choosing between family members, such as between seeing their parent or child, if all three lived separately. Respondents also described being unable to be in social bubbles with relatives who lived further away as very difficult, adding that this still has an impact on their family.


Respondents reported that the pandemic had an impact on their trust in government, science and other people. 


Questioning the science

Among responses which referred to declining trust, one of the key factors was scepticism around the science behind lockdown. A small number of respondents indicated a distrust in science itself, but most distrusted what they saw as the “particular” or “partial” science followed by the Scottish Government. One respondent said: “At no time was any scientific evidence for the efficacy of masks or lockdowns or social distancing or shielding ever given.” Others doubted the credibility of experts, saying: “We should not be exposed to so-called ‘experts' pontificating government policy based on 'modelling' or rather guesswork.”


Inconsistent rules

Some respondents’ distrust of government stemmed from inconsistencies in the rules and restrictions. Respondents reported that these inconsistencies often made already-challenging experiences even more difficult or led to people feeling overlooked in decision-making. This was sometimes compounded by encounters with people in positions of authority who were unwilling or unable to modify protocols. Some felt the restrictions were not sufficiently flexible and resented the idea of having extremely low-risk, outdoor activities shut down due to blanket restrictions across Scotland.

One response in the sample group was from the grieving parents of a man who took his own life during the pandemic. Their grief was exacerbated by rules which did not allow them to identify his body together, despite the fact they lived together: “It was traumatic enough to have to identify our son but because of these ridiculous conditions and restrictions the ongoing pain of losing our son is worsened.” 



Several respondents were angry and felt betrayed that they had obeyed the rules when others did not. Their sense of betrayal was even greater when it was reported that government officials were breaking the rules. Many respondents recounted being willing to sacrifice visiting their elderly parents, or not attending the funeral of loved ones for the public good early on, and feeling that they had been made a fool of upon learning that rule makers had become rule breakers:

“I agree rules [are] required to be put in place, but the upsetting thing is us the public stuck to those rules even during very emotional periods such as the loss of loved ones and funerals when the Prime Minister and members of the Government did not.”

Trust in others

Respondents from the sample group reported some instances in which their trust in others had grown. For example, some reported positive encounters with friends, neighbours and strangers as well as feelings of community spirit and solidarity. These included accounts of people, such as healthcare workers, who went out of their way to offer compassionate care despite extremely challenging circumstances. As one respondent noted: “I have encountered individuals who tried their best to ensure humanity and compassion were provided to those in their care.” 

In contrast, several respondents also described experiences of suspicion and abuse, as well as their own lack of trust in others. Lockdown was described as horrible and led to people judging others, according to some responses. Several participants also noted the negative impacts of the pandemic on their trust in strangers and wider society for a range of reasons, including a fear of strangers instilled during lockdown, political disagreements and the sense that people had become more selfish and less trustworthy.

“Asking neighbours to report on their neighbours was another scandalous idea. One hardly likely to improve neighbourhood relations in already strained situations.”

Future trust 

Many respondents said they would not be willing to abide by similar restrictions in future, citing their recent experiences as well as concerns about the lack of preparedness for another national or international public health emergency. This theme appears to cut across opinions in the responses that questioned the severity of the COVID-19 virus and the necessity or effectiveness of restrictions in reducing its spread. Many responses referenced politicians from both the UK and Scottish governments breaching the rules as a reason for their scepticism and why their trust in government had diminished. For some, this was the first time in their lives they had felt this way. One respondent commented:

“If this was to happen again, I would do things differently, I would not stick to any rules and go and collect my mum or other family members that would be alone in this situation. […] A precedence has been set by government, especially in Westminster so I can say a lot of people would do this differently and have the same thoughts as myself.”

Life events

Many respondents referenced the impact lockdown had on being able to engage with, and take part in, significant life and cultural events, such as births, funerals, weddings, birthdays, graduations and holidays. A few respondents acknowledged that they understood why the rules were in place, with some highlighting their importance. Several others identified these lockdown rules and restrictions as “inhumane”, “disgraceful”, “heartbreaking” and “unacceptable”. The life events spoken about in the most detail were funerals, pregnancy and birth.


Funerals and life celebrations

One of the most common impacts mentioned by respondents were the limits imposed on the number of people allowed to attend these important life events. Even if the event took place outdoors and people were socially distancing, the numbers permitted had to remain low to adhere to COVID guidelines at the time. This placed considerable pressure and additional stress on families who were required to choose who was allowed to gather to grieve and say their goodbyes in person. Not being able to gather with family and celebrate the lives of loved ones placed additional stress on people who were trying to navigate grief and loss: 

“I was so sad at the loss of my mum, she was the centre of our family and extended family. In her will she stipulated that at her funeral, ‘make sure everyone gets a cup of tea’. I couldn’t even get to do this small gesture for her friends.”

Participants from the sample group emphasised the importance of having time to gather in person and share stories of loved ones, as well as being able to support one another as part of the process of saying goodbye. From the responses, it was commonly felt that not being able to gather in these circumstances prolonged the grieving process, and people described the long-term impact it has had on them and their family members.

Several participants questioned the value and necessity of some of the rules and restrictions imposed on funerals during the pandemic, such as being required to sit two metres apart. In opposition to these restrictions, one respondent stated: “Such overly simplistic interpretations of social distancing caused significant harm to our family and no doubt to many others, without in any way reducing perceived risk.” 

Respondents felt the rules around funerals were particularly unfair because in other contexts people could gather in groups. One participant pointed out: “A limited number of people were allowed in the crematorium yet at the same time people were queuing closely together outside Primark.” Participants struggled to understand the contradictory nature of the restrictions. 


Pregnancy and births

A number of respondents recounted the experience of pregnancy and giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland. The earlier period of lockdown in March 2020 was highlighted as a particularly challenging time because of the strict restrictions in place. Some participants described having to miss appointments or scans before and after the birth of a baby, as only the pregnant person/mother was allowed to attend. Describing a high-risk pregnancy and traumatic delivery, followed by surgery for their infant son, one person described the negative impact these experiences had on him and his wife: “This caused us great distress and was the wrong policy in our opinion.” He added: “My having to wait in the car for hours at a time whilst my wife took him in was not the right call for our family’s wellbeing.”

Respondents who were pregnant at the time described the impact of being alone and isolated during pregnancy, labour and delivery. At times, partners were not allowed in the hospital at all, or were only allowed to visit when their partner was in the labour ward. Once the baby was born, the partner was often not allowed to visit at all or only allowed into the hospital for a limited time, as exemplified by this response: “My husband was only able to attend the birth once I was in labour which was 1.5 days later. I was in hospital for another 1.5 days with no visitors.” 

The impact of these lockdown rules and restrictions was felt more widely by family members who were prevented from meeting newborn babies. People spoke about grandparents waiting months or even a year before being able to hold their new grandchild. Others described the impact of not having social and family support during those first few months as new parents. In addition, a few people spoke of the fear and uncertainty about how COVID-19 could affect newborn babies, which led them to further isolate themselves from visitors, even once the lockdown restrictions had been lifted. One person said: 

“We initially didn’t let grandparents hold our new baby for almost their first year due to concern of the lack of knowledge of how COVID may affect children both acutely and long term.” 

Several people emphasised the mental and emotional toll lockdown restrictions had on them, and the negative long-term impact they had on their experience as new mothers and parents. 

Economic impacts

Only a small number of responses in the sample group dealt directly with economic impacts of the pandemic. Let’s Be Heard will address this gap in responses during the focused engagement period starting in 2024. However, some more detailed responses around the themes of long-term economic impacts and the economic impacts on individuals can be seen below. 


Long-term economic impacts of COVID-19

Several respondents in the sample group commented on the economic impacts of the pandemic, and most suggested that the current cost of living crisis is a direct result of decisions made during lockdown. One respondent spoke of friends who: 

“...couldn’t afford heating last winter and are struggling to feed their children. This is a result of the appalling lies, misinformation and lockdowns which the government is responsible for.” 

Respondents who were business owners during the pandemic also identified how working from home had a negative impact on their business and the economy in general. The impact on nurseries, takeaway sandwich shops, bars and restaurants was highlighted by some as particularly acute. The impact on other sectors, such as agriculture, hospitality and community businesses, was also highlighted, with some participants expressing a sense of injustice and loss regarding their own experiences in this area.


Economic impact on individuals         

Responses in this area largely focus on the impacts on the self-employed, with the key issue being a lack of support. One respondent detailed how not having access to business support left them in a terrible financial situation which, in turn, has negatively impacted their mental health:

“Because I was self-employed, I never received a penny and am £14k in debt with my mortgage, about to have my home repossessed. Other bills piled up, and it's a debt I won't be able to climb out of and will need to file for bankruptcy because my mental health is shot.”

Another person explained that their business was not eligible for support because it opened just before lockdown. Because of this, they had to give up the business and move away to get work, leaving family and friends behind. A self-employed personal trainer shared their experience of failing to receive government support:

“I was left with no income and basic information from the Scottish Government - no help was being offered due to not having premises. Eventually I got self-employed income support but had to wait until May to receive it. I struggled to pay my bills. I used all of my savings to keep a roof over my head and eat.”

Mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland positively and negatively impacted people’s mental health across a range of contexts. Participants shared their experiences in relation to mental health during the pandemic through a variety of interconnected themes discussed below, including isolation, anxiety over catching or spreading COVID-19 and suicide. 



As discussed previously, many participants shared their experiences of isolation during the pandemic and the resulting impact on their mental health and wellbeing. Respondents highlighted the lack of contact with family and friends, combined with interruption to normal routines, including important recreational activities. One respondent summarised the experience of isolation:

“I cried almost every day because of the isolation. I lost my confidence, my love of nature and reading. I felt that the world as I knew it had come to an end. I felt cut off from my support network, alone and lost all interest in everyday activities.”

The impacts of isolation and loneliness were particularly difficult for older people and people living alone, and this was highlighted by several respondents. 


Anxiety of catching or spreading COVID-19

Many respondents in the sample group said their mental wellbeing was strained by the anxiety of potentially catching or spreading COVID-19. This was particularly concerning for those living with vulnerable people or with large families in the same household: “This was a terrifying time at work with the thought of what you could have been bringing home to your family.” 

For people who could not work from home and had to go into an office or other workplace, especially key workers, this led to intense and demanding routines to try and prevent the spread of COVID-19 within their households. Some people who found themselves in this situation described their daily patterns of removing clothing and rigorously washing hands, as well as showering before greeting their children and other family members. Such repeated actions put immense mental strain on these individuals, which several noted has had a lasting impact: “I would say this is still affecting me as I am still very paranoid about bringing illnesses into my home when I never was before the pandemic.”


Key workers and mental health 

While the pressures placed on key workers, such as increased workloads, lack of PPE, stressful interactions with the public and worries about childcare and/or learning from home are highlighted throughout this report, this section focuses on how these pressures affected their mental health. Many respondents who fall into this category described how exhaustion and burnout gradually took its toll. As one participant noted: “I started to become scared to go to work and look after my patients. As a result, I started to have panic attacks.”

Along with these impacts was a constant exposure to traumatic events while at work, such as caring for patients who died from COVID-19. Some respondents reported there being a lack of emotional or wellbeing support for key workers in Scotland to help them deal with the effects of stress, trauma and poor mental health in these situations: 

“Nurses held the hands of dying patients day after day and supported them as best they could. We are burnt out and broken, many with PTSD and yet we are still come to work for others but who actually cares for us?” 

Key workers who said their mental health deteriorated during the pandemic also felt this impacted the quality and quantity of services they provided, due to increased absences and working hours. Some respondents reported being so profoundly damaged – physically, mentally or both – that they either resigned or took early retirement. The impact on the mental health of the carers of disabled people (as well as disabled people themselves) was noted in a 2020 report which Inclusion Scotland shared with Let’s Be Heard.[18] This report indicates that lockdown resulted in increased levels of stress as carers took on additional responsibilities when support services were reduced or withdrawn.


[18] Inclusion Scotland, 'Initial Findings of Inclusion Scotland's Covid-19 Survey' (2020).URL: https://inclusionscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Initial-Findings-Report-.pdf 


Suicide and suicidal thoughts

In some cases, respondents reported that the pandemic increased their experiences of suicidal thoughts and/or increased the incidence of suicides by their peers or family members. Some responses highlighted the role that lockdown isolation had on their experience of suicidal thoughts. Several other participants described the stress of having a business fail during the pandemic as a major contributor to suicidal thoughts. One respondent shared the story of their brother who died by suicide during the pandemic. Their brother had  his own business which failed during lockdown. The respondent said their brother had written in his suicide note that: “covid restrictions destroyed his business he worked hard to build and being locked down made him depressed.”

Some other respondents said stress associated with the pandemic, such as loss of income or anxiety around catching the virus, also significantly contributed to them contemplating taking their own lives. 


Ongoing mental health impacts

Some participants wrote about the impacts on their mental health after lockdown restrictions ended. They said they felt as though they had “lost years” of their lives to the pandemic, and that little support was available to help process the trauma after the pandemic ended. For some, lingering anxieties and associated disorders, such as agoraphobia, which emerged during the pandemic, continue to affect them today: 

“I am still anxious about being in large groups of people. The impact the pandemic had on my mental health was huge and now we’re expected to carry on as though it never happened.”

For others, it was as simple as not being given the time or resources to process the impacts of this period.