In May 2024, the Inquiry began publishing updates from the Chief Executive, Ian Duddy. His most recent updates, along with the Inquiry's previous newsletters, can be seen below.
We hope our Chief Executive updates and newsletters are a helpful source of information for people wishing to follow our progress and engage with us throughout the Inquiry's investigations.
Please click on the relevant links below to view each newsletter, and visit the FAQs section of the website for additional information on any of the topics covered.
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Chief Executive updates
Chief Executive's Update - October 2024
Published: 28/10/2024Ian Duddy, Chief Executive of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, provides an update on the Inquiry's work, including its public participation project, Let's Be Heard; the recent preliminary hearings; and his reflections on the purpose of public inquiries.
Chief Executive's Update – July 2024
Published: 30/07/2024Ian Duddy, Chief Executive of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, provides an update on the next steps for the Inquiry and its investigations.
Chief Executive's Update – May 2024
Published: 03/05/2024Ian Duddy, Chief Executive of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, has written an update detailing what's ahead for the Inquiry, including its hearings venue and future hearings.