Academic research

Independent experts have been commissioned by the Inquiry to carry out academic research into the areas of investigation in its Terms of Reference, which will help to inform its work. 

The Inquiry published scoping research in June 2022, which covered the period under investigation from January 2020 to April 2022. Further research was then commissioned to cover the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as additional areas identified as important.  

The research commissioned to date provides overviews corresponding to aspects of the devolved strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic in areas within the Inquiry’s four investigative portfolios. These are: 

  • public sector response; 
  • financial and welfare support to businesses and individuals; 
  • the provision of health and social care services; and 
  • education, certification, impact on children and young people. 

The reports provide multiple academic perspectives, as well as a variety of methodologies and expertise. 



The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is an independent body and is conducting its own investigations to fulfil its Terms of Reference. The published academic research contains the views of those who wrote it. Nothing in the research is binding on the Inquiry. The research is one of many sources of evidence which will be considered by the Inquiry. 

The reports from the introductory academic research can be found below.

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Portfolio 1 – Public Sector Response

Portfolio 2 – Financial and Welfare support to businesses and individuals

Portfolio 3 – The Provision of Health and Social Care Services

Portfolio 4 - The delivery of education and certification, impact on children and young people

Portfolio 1 – Public Sector Response

Introductory research

The below scoping research was published in June 2022 and covers the period under investigation up to April 2022.

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 1 Pandemic Preparedness

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 1 Pandemic Preparedness – Accessible version

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 2 Lockdown and Restrictions

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 2 Lockdown and Restrictions – Accessible version

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 3 Testing

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 3 Testing – Accessible version

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 4 Vaccination

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 4 Vaccination – Accessible version

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 5 PPE

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 5 PPE – Accessible version

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 6 Shielding and Assistance

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – 6 Shielding and Assistance – Accessible version


Additional research

Further research was commissioned and published in October 2023. This covers the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as any additional areas identified as important.

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – Update covering period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – Update covering period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 - Accessible Version 


Further research

The most recent research commissioned by the Inquiry was published in April 2024. These cover the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as some additional areas specified by the investigations team.

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Scottish Public Sector Response on Refugees and Asylum Seekers from a Devolved Perspective, including Impacts upon Duty of Care: Stage 1 Report

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Scottish Public Sector Response on Refugees and Asylum Seekers from a Devolved Perspective, including Impacts upon Duty of Care: Stage 1 Report – Accessible version

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Scottish Public Sector Response on Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Stage 2 Report (Evidence Review)

McQuillan et al. – UNCOVER – Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Scottish Public Sector Response on Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Stage 2 Report (Evidence Review) – Accessible version

Portfolio 2 – Financial and Welfare support to businesses and individuals

Introductory research

The below scoping research was published in June 2022 and covers the period under investigation up to April 2022.

Greene – University of Edinburgh – Financial and Welfare Support

Greene – University of Edinburgh – Financial and Welfare Support – Accessible version

Arshed and Knox – University of Dundee – Financial and Welfare Support

Arshed and Knox – University of Dundee – Financial and Welfare Support – Accessible version


Further research

The most recent research commissioned by the Inquiry was published in May 2024. These cover the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as some additional areas specified by the investigations team.

Greene – University of Edinburgh – Financial and Welfare Support to Businesses and Individuals

Greene – University of Edinburgh – Financial and Welfare Support to Businesses and Individuals – Accessible version

Portfolio 3 – The Provision of Health and Social Care Services

Introductory research

The below scoping research was published in June 2022 and covers the period under investigation up to April 2022.

McKay et al. – Edinburgh Napier University – Health and Social Care

McKay et al. – Edinburgh Napier University – Health and Social Care – Accessible version

McHale – University of Birmingham – Health and Social Care

McHale – University of Birmingham – Health and Social Care – Accessible version

MacRury et al. – University of Highlands and Islands – Health and Social Care Provision in Rural and Island Communities

MacRury et al. – University of Highlands and Islands – Health and Social Care Provision in Rural and Island Communities – Accessible version

Farrell and Frowde – University of Edinburgh – The Provision of Health and Social Care Services

Farrell and Frowde – University of Edinburgh – The Provision of Health and Social Care Services – Accessible version

Burton - University of Glasgow - The Provision of Health and Social Care Services

Burton - University of Glasgow - The Provision of Health and Social Care Services – Accessible version


Additional research

Further research was commissioned and published in October 2023. This covers the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as any additional areas identified as important.

McKay et al. – Edinburgh Napier University – Update covering period 1 February 2022 to 31 December 2022

McKay et al. – Edinburgh Napier University – Update covering period 1 February 2022 to 31 December 2022 – Accessible version


Further research

The most recent research commissioned by the Inquiry was published in May 2024. These cover the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as some additional areas specified by the investigations team.

McKay et al. – Edinburgh Napier University – The Provision of Health and Social Care Services: Adult Social Care

McKay et al. – Edinburgh Napier University – The Provision of Health and Social Care Services: Adult Social Care – Accessible version

Portfolio 4 - The delivery of education and certification, impact on children and young people

Introductory research

The below scoping research was published in June 2022 and covers the period under investigation up to April 2022.

McCluskey et al. – University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification

McCluskey et al. – University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification – Accessible version


Further research

The most recent research commissioned by the Inquiry was published in April 2024. These cover the entire period the Inquiry is investigating, up to 31 December 2022, as well as some additional areas specified by the investigations team.

McCluskey et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: Updated Overview

McCluskey et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: Updated Overview – Accessible version

Kustatscher et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Delivery of Education to Children Under Five: Final report

Kustatscher et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Delivery of Education to Children Under Five: Final report – Accessible version

McCluskey et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: The impact on children and young people in relation to learning and academic progress in general, known benefits and disadvantages of online learning, and digital poverty and inequality and effects of this on access and outcomes: Final draft

McCluskey et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: The impact on children and young people in relation to learning and academic progress in general, known benefits and disadvantages of online learning, and digital poverty and inequality and effects of this on access and outcomes: Final draft – Accessible version

McCluskey et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: The impact of school closures and changes to support packages on pupils with additional support needs: Final Draft

McCluskey et al. – The University of Edinburgh – The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: The impact of school closures and changes to support packages on pupils with additional support needs: Final Draft – Accessible version