Preliminary Hearings | Portfolio 2 and Portfolio 4

Preliminary hearings for the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's Portfolio 4 (education and certification) and Portfolio 2 (business and welfare) investigations.

Date: 19 September 2024
Time: 10.00am

Watch the morning session of the Inquiry's Preliminary Hearings for Portfolios 2 and 4

The closed captions/subtitles function which accompany these videos on YouTube are generated by an automatic algorithm which is not 100% accurate. Inquiry hearings are being professionally transcribed, and the transcription will always supersede any captions.

Transcript of Preliminary Hearing for Portfolios 2 and 4, dated 19/09/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Preliminary hearings
Publication type:
Hearing transcripts