Issues being investigated under Term of Reference 2(h)

Healthcare services and social care support

ToR 2(h) requires the Inquiry to investigate the strategic elements of the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland relating to:

the provision of healthcare services and social care support, including the management and support of staff and the recognition, involvement and support of unpaid carers.


There are multiple service providers that are included in ToR(h) which include, but are not limited to:

  1. Healthcare
    1. Hospitals (NHS and private)
    2. Primary care (NHS and private)
    3. Specialist healthcare services
    4. Emergency services
  2. Social Care
    1. Specialist social care services
    2. Day care services 
    3. Paid carers 
    4. Looked-after children
  3. Staff
  4. Unpaid carers

In relation to ToR 2(h) the Inquiry will examine:

  1. Impacts on individuals in the context of health and social care services, including the accessibility of services, standards of care, changes to screening and referrals.
  2. Adequacy of health and social care infrastructure to allow for pandemic intervention, such as social distancing and passenger routes, ventilation, IT services, infection control and restricted access to health and social care premises. 
  3. Guidance given to health and social care services by the Scottish Government including the adequacy and appropriateness of the relevant rules, regulations and guidance provided during the pandemic as part of the strategic response; the form and timing of the communication of such guidance and rules; the adequacy and timing of consultation by the Scottish Government with interested parties regarding the guidance and rules; the clarity and consistency of such guidance and rules; the real or perceived enforceability of the rules and guidance; and the frequency and timing of change.
  4. Adequacy of the pandemic and/or emergency planning for health and social care, including the adequacy, suitability, distribution, prioritisation and supply of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  5. Adequacy of the criteria and guidelines for shielding, vaccinations and testing, including prioritisation of recipients, and the form and timing of the communication of such criteria and guidelines.
  6. Impacts on staff in health and social care services, including staff shortages due to sickness and shielding; changes to work duties and scope; heightened exposure to COVID-19; recognition by the Scottish Government and public; and mental and physical health implications.
  7. Impacts on unpaid carers, including the disparity of any relevant rules, regulations and guidance; and the adequacy and timing of consultation by the Scottish Government with interested parties regarding the guidance and rules.
  8. Access to additional Scottish Government funding to health and social care services and staff.
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