Restriction Orders

Frequently asked questions

The Inquiry has published a series of FAQs regarding its Restriction Orders and their impacts.

General Restriction Order

The Inquiry has published a General Restriction Order which applies to witness statements, documents and other evidence shared by the Inquiry with core participants and others during the course of its investigations and prior to publication of the material by the Inquiry.

Restriction Order 1: Health and Social Care

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order pertaining to health and social care. This Restriction Order was last updated on 8 March 2024.

Please note, the Chair may vary or revoke this Order by making a further order at any point during the Inquiry and may, on a case-by-case basis, grant anonymity to individual witnesses, prohibit the publication of the names of individual residential care settings, hospitals or other care settings, or impose other restrictions as he deems appropriate. 

Restriction Order 2: Witness HSC0037

The Chair has granted this witness full anonymity. They will give their evidence remotely and only the audio of their evidence will be broadcast publicly in the Hearing Room and via the livestream.

The Inquiry encourages all Core Participants and their representatives to familiarise themselves with the terms of the Restriction Order.

Restriction Order 3: Witness HSC0027

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0027. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 4: Witness HSC0122

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0122. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry. The Inquiry will not broadcast footage or audio from this witness.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 5: Witness HSC0209

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0209. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 6: Witness HSC0249

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0249. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 7: Witness HSC0208

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0208. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 8: Witness HSC0211

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0211. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 9: Witness HSC0210

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witness designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0210. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individual concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witness.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.

Restriction Order 10

The Inquiry has published a Restriction Order which restricts the publication of information that identifies the witnesses designated by the Inquiry as Witness HSC0208, HSC0211, HSC0209 and HSC0027. They will be designated as such in all material published by the Inquiry.

The Order contains a list of some of the information that may identify the individuals concerned, but this list is not definitive and the Order applies to all information that may identify the witnesses.

The Order applies generally, including to the media and the Inquiry itself.