Privacy Notice
This notice explains how the Inquiry will collect and manage personal data.
"Do Not Destroy" letters
The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry issued a series of “do not destroy” letters to a range of organisations or individuals that may hold information relevant to the Inquiry’s investigation.
Statement of approach to criticism
In the interests of fairness, the Inquiry intends to disclose serious criticism to the subject of that criticism. This will afford them the opportunity to consider their position and whether they may wish to apply for a Restriction Order to prevent the statement from being disclosed by the Inquiry. The Inquiry considers that this is in line with its human rights-based approach.
Rule 9 – Note on the procedure for Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
This guidance note sets out the procedure for the questioning of witnesses at the Inquiry's Health and Social Care Impact Hearings.
Rule 9 - Notice on the procedure for Education and Certification and Business and Welfare Impact Hearings
This guidance note sets out the procedure for the questioning of witnesses at the Inquiry's Education and Certification, and Business and Welfare Impact Hearings Impact Hearings.
Rule 9 - Notice on the procedure for Justice Sector, Worship and Life Events, and Equalities and Human Rights impact hearings
This guidance note sets out the procedure for the questioning of witnesses at the Inquiry's Justice Sector, Worship and Life Events, and Equalities and Human Rights impact hearings.
Direction on Opening Statements at the Hearings on the impacts on Education and Certification, Business, Welfare and Finance
The Chair has issued a direction in respect of Opening Statements for the Portfolio 4 and Portfolio 2 hearings. The Chair directs that core participants will not be invited to make opening statements either in written or oral form.
Direction on Closing Statements at the Hearings on the impacts on Education and Certification, Business, Welfare and Finance
The Chair has issued a direction in respect of Closing Statements for the Portfolio 4 and Portfolio 2 hearings. The Chair directs that core participants will be invited to make closing statements in oral form.
Direction on Opening Statements at Hearings on the Impacts on the Justice System, Worship and Life Events, and Equalities and Human Rights
The Chair has issued a direction in respect of Opening Statements for the hearings on the impacts on the Justice System, Worship and Life Events, and Equalities and Human Rights. The Chair directs that core participants will not be invited to make opening statements either in written or oral form.