Impact Hearing | Justice | Day 3
Day 3 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's justice impact hearings.
Date: 20 February 2024
Time: 10am
Please note the timetable below is provisional and subject to change.
10.00–11.15Kate Wallace, Victim Support Scotland>11.15–11.30Break>11.30–12.30Sandy Brindley, Rape Crisis>12.30–13.30Break>13.30–14.30Dr Marsha Scott, Scottish Women's Aid>14.30–14.45Break>14.45–15.45Panel, JustRight Scotland >
Watch day 3 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's justice system impact hearings – morning session
Watch day 3 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's justice system impact hearings – afternoon session
The closed captions/subtitles function which accompany these videos on YouTube are generated by an automatic algorithm which is not 100% accurate. Inquiry hearings are being professionally transcribed, and the transcription will always supersede any captions.
Related evidence
Witness Statement provided by Sandy Brindley on behalf of Rape Crisis Scotland, dated 15/01/2025
Control number:SCI-WT0224-000001Hearing Date:20/02/2025Hearing type:Justice impact hearingsPublication type:Written statements to the InquiryWitness Statement provided by Lyndsay Fleming and Sabrina Galella on behalf of JustRight Scotland, dated 17/09/2024
Control number:SCI-WT0177-000001Hearing Date:20/02/2025Hearing type:Justice impact hearingsPublication type:Written statements to the InquiryWitness Statement provided by Marsha Scott on behalf of Scottish Women's Aid, dated 30/09/2024
Control number:SCI-WT0119-000001Hearing Date:20/02/2025Hearing type:Justice impact hearingsPublication type:Written statements to the InquiryWitness Statement provided by Stephanie Kate Wallace on behalf of Victim Support Scotland (VSS), dated 22/01/2025
Control number:SCI-WT0477-000001Hearing Date:20/02/2025Hearing type:Justice impact hearingsPublication type:Written statements to the Inquiry