Get Involved
How can I engage with the Inquiry?
As everyone in Scotland has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is right that everyone can engage with the Inquiry.
As the Inquiry progresses, everyone will have the opportunity to:
- keep up to date with the Inquiry’s work via the news section of its website and sign up to receive news alerts directly to their inbox;
- respond to any requests issued by the Inquiry for written evidence and documentation;
- view public hearings (except for any hearings held in private) which are broadcast on the day and made available via the Inquiry's YouTube channel;
- read transcripts of public hearings and any documents (including expert reports);
- read any witness statements;
- where invited by the Inquiry, give evidence as a witness by providing a statement and/or giving evidence at a public hearing; and
- read records and documents published by the Inquiry as part of its investigation, and its reports.
Some parties will also take part in the Inquiry as core participants. To find out more information, please visit the core participant section of the website.
Let's Be Heard
Let's Be Heard is the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s public participation project. On 29 November 2024, the Let’s Be Heard team finished gathering people’s experiences.
The Inquiry is grateful to the almost 12,000 people across Scotland who have taken the time to share their experiences with Let's Be Heard.
Gathering these experiences has been crucial in supporting the work of the Inquiry, and informing its investigations and the recommendations the Inquiry will eventually make to Scottish Ministers.
Let’s Be Heard is focusing on analysing the information people have shared to build on its initial findings published in November 2023.