Update on education and certification, and business and welfare impact hearings

The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s Portfolio 4 (education and certification) impact hearings will start on 5 November and end on 20 November.

They will be followed by the Portfolio 2 (business and welfare) impact hearings, which will run from 2 to 18 December.

Education and certification impact hearings timetable, week one (5–7 November)

Tuesday 5 November

  • Opening statement from Laura-Anne van der Westhuizen, Senior Co-Lead Counsel.


  • Marguerite Hunter-Blair, Chief Executive, Play Scotland
  • Lorna Kettles, Policy and Engagement Manager, Early Years Scotland
  • Panel, Early Years Scotland members:
    • Rhona Black, Head of Nursery and Kindergarten, Glasgow Academy
    • Karen Flynn, Area Manager, Kirktonholme Nursery
    • Ross Keenan, Director, Cosmic Coppers

Wednesday 6 November


  • Graeme McAlister, Chief Executive, Scottish Childminding Association
  • Panel, National Union of Students Scotland former presidents:
    • Ellie Gomersall
    • Matt Crilly
    • Liam McCabe
  • Panel, School Leaders Scotland:
    • Graham Hutton, General Secretary and former headteacher
    • Jim Thewliss, former General Secretary

Thursday 7 November


  • Steven Graham, Head of School, e-Sgoil
  • Tina Woolnough, Communications Manager, CONNECT
  • Dr Jenny Wood, Co-founder, A Place in Childhood
  • Panel, Linking Education and Disability (LEAD) and Association for Real Change (ARC) Scotland:
    • Emma Whitelock, Chief Executive, LEAD Scotland
    • Scott Richardson-Read, ARC Scotland

Requests to attend

The Inquiry is now accepting requests to attend week one of education and certification impact hearings (5-7 November).

The Inquiry has contacted all core participants with leave to appear by email in relation to requests to attend.

Requests to attend must be submitted by email to hearingsandwitnesses@covid19inquiry.scot by 5pm on Monday 28 October 2024 with the following information:

  • group or organisation (if applicable); 
  • name of person(s) attending; and
  • role (e.g. group member, legal/lay representative/member of the public).

The Inquiry will respond to requests to attend as soon as possible after the deadline. Anyone wishing to attend a hearing in person must request a place in advance. 

For those not attending in person, proceedings can be watched on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel, which also has videos of all the Inquiry’s previous hearings. 

Sessions will usually start at 10am and finish at 4pm, and daily timetables are published on the Hearings page on the Inquiry’s website. Please check the Inquiry’s social media account on X for live updates on session start and break times.

Further guidance for witnesses and attendees is available on the Information for Witnesses and Attendees page. 

Please direct media enquiries to media@covid19inquiry.scot

The Inquiry is committed to being trauma-informed and person-centred and welcomes feedback in relation to attendance at hearings. Please send any queries or feedback to hearingsandwitnesses@covid19inquiry.scot.