Inquiry publishes timeline for education and business impact hearings

The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry will begin its next tranche of impact hearings this autumn.

On 4 November 2024, the Inquiry will start its hearings investigating the impacts of the pandemic on education and certification (Portfolio 4). When these hearings have finished, it will then investigate the impact of the pandemic on the financial and welfare support given to businesses and individuals (Portfolio 2). The Inquiry anticipates the hearings will end by 20 December 2024, subject to scheduling of witnesses.

These oral hearings are shorter than those which have already been held in relation to impacts relating to health and social care.

To complete its impact hearings for both Portfolios within this timeframe, and to supplement the evidence that will be led at those hearings, the Inquiry will publish a summary of evidence already gathered in respect of each Portfolio.

For Portfolio 4, the summary of evidence will include evidence gathered from organisations working directly with children and young people. For Portfolio 2, it will include evidence from business owners and individuals who received government support.

This will allow the Inquiry to identify and publish the key themes for each Portfolio. Counsel will further explore these themes when questioning witnesses. 

The public hearings will be held at the Inquiry’s premises at Waverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh and will follow two one-day preliminary hearings for both Portfolios on 18 and 19 September.

Information on applications for leave to appear at Portfolio 4 impact hearings will be published on 29 July. Information on leave to appear for Portfolio 2 will be published in due course as will details of the publication of the summaries of evidence, the days the Inquiry will sit, and the timings of each session and accompanying witness lists.