Inquiry invites requests to attend preliminary hearing for final tranche of impact hearings
The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is now accepting requests to attend the preliminary hearing for its final tranche of impact hearings.
This preliminary hearing will take place on Wednesday 22 January 2025 in the Inquiry’s premises at Waverley Gate, 2–4 Waterloo Place, in Edinburgh. It will begin at 10am and finish by lunchtime.
The Inquiry is adopting a thematic approach to this final tranche of impact hearings. After the preliminary hearing on 22 January, it will hold hearings investigating the impact of COVID-19 in Scotland on the following themes:
- Justice, from 18 to 28 February;
- Worship and Life Events, from 29 April to 2 May; and
- Equalities and Human Rights, from 10 to 20 June.
The Inquiry may hold further impact hearings in June and will provide an update in due course.
The Inquiry has contacted all core participants with leave to appear by email in relation to requests to attend the preliminary hearing on 22 January 2025.
Requests to attend the preliminary hearing by members of the public must be submitted by email to by 5pm on Friday 17 January 2025 with the following information:
- group or organisation (if applicable);
- name of person(s) attending;
- role (e.g. group member, legal/lay representative/member of the public).
The Inquiry will respond to requests to attend as soon as possible after the deadline.
A dedicated space for journalists is also available. Please email for media requests to attend.
The Inquiry is committed to being trauma-informed and person-centred and welcomes feedback in relation to attendance at hearings. Please send any queries or feedback you may have in relation to this process to
Opening statements
The Inquiry has issued a Direction in respect of opening statements for these impact hearings. The Chair directs that core participants with leave to appear will not be invited to make opening statements in written nor oral form. The Direction can be found in the Notices section of our website.