Children, young people, teachers and other education professionals invited to share their experiences of the pandemic

The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is inviting young people, teachers and other education professionals from across Scotland to share their experiences of the pandemic through Let’s Be Heard, its public participation project. 

Children, teenagers, teachers, and early learning and childcare professionals are being encouraged to share their experiences of the pandemic between 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022 so that lessons are learned and Scotland is better prepared in future.

Let’s Be Heard is running three surveys for: 

  1. Professionals in any early learning and childcare settings;
  2. Primary, secondary and additional support needs (ASN) teachers, school management and/or educational support professionals in state and independent schools; and
  3. Children and young people aged 8 years and older.

Sharing your experiences will help the Inquiry identify and better understand any unequal impacts of the pandemic on the education and care of children and young people in Scotland. Your experiences will also help inform the Inquiry’s investigations and the recommendations it makes to Scottish Ministers.

The surveys will close on Friday 29 November 2024, and should take around 15 minutes to complete.


Completing the surveys

You can complete the surveys online via the Let's Be Heard website. Print versions of the surveys, including in different languages and accessible formats, are also available on the Let's Be Heard website, or can be requested by calling 0808 175 5555 and leaving a voicemail, or by emailing

Share your experiences with Let's Be Heard