Impact Hearing | Health and Social Care | Day 49

Day 49 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's Health and Social Care Impact Hearings.

Date: 16 May 2024
Time: 11.15am


Please note the timetable below is provisional and subject to change.


  • 11.15–12.30
    Cass MacDonald, Scottish Healthcare Workers Coalition

Watch day 49 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's Health and Social Care Impact Hearings – morning session

The closed captions/subtitles function which accompany these videos on YouTube are generated by an automatic algorithm which is not 100% accurate. Inquiry hearings are being professionally transcribed, and the transcription will always supersede any captions.

Witness Statement provided by Caroline (Cass) Macdonald on behalf of Scottish Healthcare Workers Coalition, undated.

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Written statements to the Inquiry

Transcript of Health and Social Care Impact Hearing, Day 49, dated 16/05/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Hearing transcripts