Impact Hearing | Health and Social Care | Day 36

Day 36 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's Health and Social Care Impact Hearings.

Date: 19 April 2024
Time: 9.45am


Please note the timetable below is provisional and subject to change.

There is additional guidance below for those attending the afternoon session: 

  • Due to a witness’s respiratory issues, please refrain from wearing strong scents if attending the hearing room.
  • The Inquiry will be implementing distancing mitigations for this witness, including reserving the first row of seats within the hearing room.
  • Face masks will be available for those who wish to wear them. 


  • 09.45–11.00
    Daljeet Dagon, Barnardo’s
  • 11.00–11.15
  • 11.15–12.30
    Carol-Ann Crossan Guruge, Barnardo’s
  • 12.30–13.30
  • 13.30–14.45
    Cass MacDonald, Scottish Healthcare Workers Coalition
  • 14.45–15.00
  • 15.00–16.15
    Donald Macaskill, Scottish Care

Watch day 36 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's Health and Social Care Impact Hearings – morning session

Watch day 36 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry's Health and Social Care Impact Hearings – afternoon session

The closed captions/subtitles function which accompany these videos on YouTube are generated by an automatic algorithm which is not 100% accurate. Inquiry hearings are being professionally transcribed, and the transcription will always supersede any captions.

Witness Statement provided by Cass Macdonald on behalf of Scottish Healthcare Workers Coalition (SHWC), dated 18/01/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Written statements to the Inquiry

Witness Statement provided by Daljeet Dagon on behalf of Barnardo's Scotland, dated 18/03/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Written statements to the Inquiry

Witness Statement provided by Carol-Ann Crossan Guruge on behalf of Barnardo's Scotland, dated 25/03/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Written statements to the Inquiry

Transcript of Health and Social Care Impact Hearing, Day 36, dated 19/04/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Hearing transcripts

Witness Statement provided by Donald Macaskill on behalf of Scottish Care Ltd, dated 06/03/2024

Control number:
Hearing Date:
Hearing type:
Health and Social Care Impact Hearings
Publication type:
Written statements to the Inquiry